Was tagged by my beloved sisters.
TAG: "Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts or goals about you. In the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tags you. If I tag you, it’s because I want to know you more."
[imah, kalo Kok Yong yg ko maksudkan tu bukan kyong, kyong MALU, hua2]
1- Titisan Embun maksud namaku. kecik2 dlu, ade perasaan xbrapa masyuk ngn nama sendiri, sbb mcm lain drpd kwn lain dan susah nak sebut. Kalo cikgu2 sebut nama sorang2 dlm kelas, bile cikgu stucked n terbelit lidah, that's me.. ha2
2-Keluarga panggilku Kak Yong. Sukee gelaran ni .. Jiran2 terdekat pun semua panggil Kak Yong . Junior2 sini, ade beberapa org yg disuro panggil Kak Yong.
3-Umur? i'd say im in the age to get married.. keke .. tp xbermaksud daku akan berubah status dlm masa terdekat..lari......! Mr Right xtau sapa ..
4-Medical student =) 5th year now.. Next week starts psychiatry round.. psycho!~
5-Tengan makan epal
6-Ketawa terbahak2 masa tgk ade org panggil Imah dgn gelaran 'Coefficient'! Lawak la ko Imah... ^^, miss u
7-Every single thing , blue in colour , invite me in.. Suka pada warna biru .. [ tiru point imah]
8-Rasanya, xpernah stay-up untuk belajar . except masa study last minute during study-week T_T [Rasa nk sumpah diri sendiri jadi lebih rajin]
9-Em, think i've problem with memory. easily forgotten with bnda2 kecik mcm mengalihkan barang ke tempat lain dan sewaktu dgnnye..
10-Hutang bayo cepat2 , even org tu xmintak. Ne tau esok kite mati, sape nk bayo tuuu... =)
11-Sangat mahukan Mini Cooper.. dgn usaha sendiri
12-Berminat dgn Neurosurgery, rasa nk jadi Neurosurgeon.
13-tak penah jadi best student kat mana2 sekolah, as far as i remembered.. that bad?
14-Mereka cakap saya blur type person.. em, not 100% blurred kot.. Just kadang2 expressionless
15-Esok bakal berlaku satu perkara penting. Ya Allah, mohon kekuatan! Takut... =((
16-Moto idop = Make A Step Before the Hatred Comes
17-Sedang berjinak2 dgn bisnes Inner tudung skrg.. bagus untuk mereka yg memakai tudung bawal kerana tdung bawal yg jarang boleh menampakkan tengkuk wanita yg memakainya =)
18-Terasa nak balikkkkkk Mlysia for winter break next year [2011].. instead of Summer 2011 tu
19-used to buy medical books , but to read is vice versa .. huk3
21- Mahu jadi kakak yg baik .. tp adik2 saya lebih baik drp saya
22- Kadang fikir bnda yg perlu difikirkan pun ... tp itulah wat emosi unstable when it becomes dominant in my head... haish
23-Sampai skrg, my arabic languange memg thumbs down =( bile nak pandai...
24-Not a really good cook,x cerewet dlm makanan, more in management in order type of person .
25-Great work are done by ppl who aren't afraid to be great =)
# not tagging anyone else, and to Imah , ain't enuf ..21 years we live together to know me??
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