
Tuesday 28 December 2010

Tarkiz Qiadi

Assalamualaikum ",

Refering to the title, 'Tarkiz Qiadi' .. it means 'Kursus Kepimpinan' =) ..
Organized by barisan penasihat yg mantap2, maka selesai sudah satu hari dari dua hari program 'QIADAH 10' , memimpin Ahli Jawatankuasa PCM 10/11 ,alhamdulillah.. Hati ni seronok, rasa betapa manisnya bila berada dalam majlis sebegini. hoho .. Hari pertama , 3 aktiviti besar kami rasai ; pembentangan tajuk 'Dengar & Taat' , Perlembagaan PERUBATAN & modul ukhuwah ..

Konsep pimpinan dalam ISLAM, pentadbiran dalam ISLAM , golongan yang berhak ditaati, punca hilangnya taat pd seseorng pemerintah, serta kekuatan2 yg perlu ada dlm dri seorng pemimpin semuanya diketengahkan.. Dengan itu; brulah diri ni sedari betapa luasnya skop agama suci kite, agama ISLAM........... Dan semakin kerdil rasanya diri ni dalam ilmu2 berkenan Feqah pentadbiran dll.. tapi alhmdlah.. kurang2 dpt sesuatu hari ni:

Imam Ahmad Hanbal bertanya, antara 2 golongan berikut mana lebih bagus??
i - Golongan soleh, tapi DHOIF atau
ii- Golongan fajir , tapi QUWWAH ?

Jawapannye yg kedua :

fajir tapi QUWWAH- (xberapa soleh kot maksudnye)TAPI ,die selamatkan org ramai BERBANDING soleh (lakukan amal soleh utk dirinya saje, tp dhoif dlm lkukan tugas-xbantu msyrakat)

but i think preferably, be SOLEH and QUWWAH at the same time, MOLEK lg ^^
InsyAllah, to be continued :)

Thursday 16 December 2010

'MESRA 10'

Been so long ,
Keep this blog out of date ,

Coping with so many things ,
Sometimes make life so unpleasant and messy!

But it is OK ..
Because i believe ,
Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. ( Ar-Ra'd 13:28)

Alhamdulillah for everything ..

Yesterday i just finished my 1st week for Orthopedics ..
Then, 3weeks to go to have exam for end round ,
and ..... plus 10days --> we''ll be having final exam T_T
For semester 9 (Neurology, Neurosurgery,Psychiatry,Orthopedics,Rheumatology)

Yesterday also ,
A follow-through meeting to centralize all the tasks & information,
Because tomorrow , there'll be a big day for authorities from Embassy of Malaysia,
Education Malaysia , PSD (JPA), and officers from zakat negeri .

These show their concern for thousands of students in Mansoura , el7amdolela.
Hope for the best ..
May Allah bless those who work hard for tomorrow ^^