
Sunday 16 January 2011


Kelakar , Padat , dan Inspiring ;)

Tapi, konsep sederhana in Islam lebih meluas
Bekerjalah untuk duniamu seolah-olah engkau akan hidup selama-lamanya.
Dan bekerjalah untuk Akhiratmu seolah-olah kamu akan mati esok hari.

(Riwayat lbnu Asakir)

Friday 14 January 2011

January 14 2011


Alhamdulillah . Thanks to You, dear Allah .. y?
because ... =D get to gather almost all akhawat semester 9 tonight ..
Since Yah's birthday used to be on our exam date previous years,
but this year .. during study week ,
maka peluang pun diambil..

paling best, TNB pictures taken .. 2 atau 3 taun kot , tak amik gamba sesame =)

tinggi nampaknye

rendah sedikit je

hm, my actual height compared with 'em

nvm lah! what i know, this's the most invaluable picture ^^

Thursday 13 January 2011

Truthful ain't hard


The Prophet (s.a.w) said : “You must speak the truth for the truth leads to virtue and virtue leads to Paradise. One who always speaks the truth and means the truth is recorded as truthful with Allah. Keep away from the lies, for the one who continually tells a lie leads to evil and evil leads to Hell-fire” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

Plus : I used to remember my previous teacher said , even we're trying to make joke wit our friends, be truthful .. Please Don't Lie .. but maybe sometimes, certain circumstances in our daily life, make us hard to be truthful , then misunderstanding can happen . I do hate misunderstanding , because it makes people hate each other , and then ukhuwah Islamiyyah breaks!

Whatever it is , be truthful for yer self .. Know ur self ,
'Man 'arifa nafsahu, 'arifa Robbahu'
'whoever knows himself better, he actually knows his God well enuf'

Monday 10 January 2011

Study week

Having not so long time to cover all topics perfectly actually dragging everyone nuts! but for me, study weeks are the time to 'having fun' .. I mean, because during the class days before, almost time were spent with meeting people, discussions etc .. Only during study weeks, diriku melekat di rumah :)

Saturday 8 January 2011

Rindu mereka

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Tarkiz Qiadi '10


Ok, this is for the continuation from the previous title. .
I'd say the 2nd day made my day 'weng' (i am sorry for those related)
But that was not because of anyone, because of me .. myself ..

Nevermind , the most important content throughout this 2nd day was about Fiqh Awlawiyat
(Fekah Keutamaan)

Referred from Fiqh Ijtihad Al-Qaradawi

Briefing abt the author :
Imam Al-Qaradhawi was born in one of villages in Tanta, Misr (Egypt) in 1926
Lives without a father (died when Sheikh was 2 years old)
He became a Hafiz before 10 years old (memorized the whole Quran with tajwid)

in 1960, bachelor in Quran & Sunnah
in 1973, PhD in Hadith entitled 'Zakat, kesannya dalam menyelesaikan Masalah Zakat'
or known as fiqh zakat .

Fiqh Awlawiyat
Berkait rapat dengan Fiqh Maqasid & Muwazanat
(yg mana maksudnya kurang saya fahami jua, hoho)

1- Daruriyat

(keperluan asasi - 'mati tanpanya' eg : rumah, pakaian)
(5 kategori utama - agama . nyawa . akal . keturunan . harta )

2- Hajiyat

(keperluan kehendak - 'susah tanpanya' )
(eg : solat jamak . hukum bedah mayat )

3- Tahsiniyat

(keperluan pelengkap )
(eg : adab makan, masuk tandas etc )

soalnya sekarang , how do we prioritize our daily life accordingly??

- Daruriyat 1st ---> Hajiyat ---> Tahsiniyat
- eg : Antara rumah & kereta (rumah-daruriyat , kita nak umah dlu sebagai perlindungan) (kereta-tahsiniyat)
- So, choose rumah

What if there're similarities between those 3 martabat ??

- We refer according the 5 main categories (agama . nyawa . akal .keturunan. harta)
-eg : Ectopic pregnancy ( kandungan luar rahim) , mana mau selamatkan dulu ? bayi atau ibu?
-Ibu ---> nyawa , bayi ---> keturunan
- Choose according the categories ???
-Nyawa comes 1st
-Answer :: IBU

What if there're similarities between those 5 categories ??

- We prioritize for kepentingan AM dahulu berbanding kepentingan KHAS
-Eg :: belajar & berjihad
-let say in Malaysia ( belajar = fardhu ain , berjihad = fardhu kifayah)
-but in Palestin ( belajar = fardhu ain , berjihad pertahankan agama n negara = farhu ain )
-menjadi kepentingan AM -fardhu ain- bg negara itu

What if both martabat & categories are the same?

-Consideration made according to 'pertimbangan kemudharatan'
-eg : This one busy student is a tutor and also a really good speaker,
this one day, he should has his tutorial class , but is called to give motivational talk to this one programme which will be attended by more ppl and rarely held.
-He should go for that motivational talk .. because the complications (fitnah besar) will happen if he's not attending , rather than that tutorial classes (abt 30++ students and weekly classes)


Pertimbangan rasional

3 dimensi utama :

1- Antara masahih = kepentingan utama (kepentingan utama yg lebih penting)
2- Antara mafasih = kemudharatan (elakkan mudharat yg lebih besar)
3- Antara masahih & mafasid = tentunya kita ambik yg lebih baik (masahih)

Begitulah yang dapatku ambil serba sedikit ..
Pertimbangan dalam membuat keputusan bukan boleh dibuat membuta-babi,
tetapi, ada Fiqh Keutamaannya...

Tak cukup dgn pengetahuan akal saje .
Islam mahukan ilmu yang membuahkan amal , bukan ilmu yang mmbuahkan percakapan dan perdebatan . Islam mahukan pengetahuan yg berhubung dgn hati yg menerangkan hati dan keinginan.

Allah said to those knowledgeable person : (Refer Al-Fathir : 28)

I'm writing this not to show i know better than you, but to share ..
the most invaluable moment is when you see the uncommon thing to be seen
in this modern world , khazanah & risalah2 ayat cintaNya

(An-Nisa' : 79)

Cheerio ^^,