
Wednesday 24 November 2010

Life is Schizophrenic Disaggregation

Assalamualaikum wbt ~

"Life is Schizophrenic Disaggregation" - uncle Khushi Mohamad ^^

Me :

Currently 'interested' in Psychiatry ..
Is having her 1st week in Psychiatry round ..
'Enjoying' lectures, even no guarantee she'll understood 'em well enuf .. --"

OK .. My group went to the outpatient department yesterday and came this one patient ,alone .....

Male [ i didn't record his name ]
58 years old
A driver
Was referred from radiology department
Complaints :

He thought that there's one Mr President of nowhere come to ask him to work as a police , and felt that was an absurd idea [how come a driver can be a police?] ,
with an offer for 2 million dolars! [wuhuuu!] .... and claimed that many people tried to assault him.. with an attempt to 'stalk' him by putting something like small camera / laser in her stomach to control him.. to kill him!

He married twice , and claimed that his wives were unfaithful .

Macam kelaka . [ups]

But this is the reality in psychiatric patients.
They can be anything!
That's why in medicine, only in Psychiatry .. we can freely admit patients according to Mental Health Act because they could be dangerous to people .

Doctor claimed, till now doctors conditionally have to try to convince..
Especially to the family , that the patient is actually suffering from mental illness .
Mental illnesses = gila ?
I see this as a challenge for doctors , they have to put their situations into patient's belief..
Camne tu??

(contoh situasi)
Patients believes that sakit die tu sbb buatan jin ,
Dia pi jumpa bomoh dulu ...
Bomoh 'puh sana puh sini' , habaq mai itu ini ,
Bila dua tiga kali pi sakit still tak ilang,
Pi jumpa doktor ,
Tgk2 sakit dah melarat kronik ,

(contoh lagi)
Patients datang jumpa doktor,
habaq sakit itu sakit ini,
doktor pun check sana, check sini,
dengaq sana dengaq sini,
dok ultrasound sana sini,
tapi xda papa ...

Patients x puas hati, pasai sakit xkebah2 ,
pi la dia jumpa bomoh pulok,
Bomoh habaq die kena buatan orng ... jin mana xtau dok rasuk badan hang..

Superstition VS Reality testing
That happened in this field ,
Certain populations in this world have their own beliefs towards superstition.
And what people in the hospital do is,
Find an appropriate way to make them understand..


Tuesday 23 November 2010

Kepercayaan Luar Biasa vs Kepercayaan Biasa

Diam .. Fikir .. Bertanya .. Mencari ..

Bukan mudah nak percaya ,
Dirinya mencapai tahap ini,
Walau dirinya berasa sangat cetek dalam ilmu2 pengetahuan,
Sangat kecil dalam pengalaman ,
Masih kurang arif dalam selok-belok persatuan,
Kerana setiap keputusan , membawa impak teramat besar,
Sekali melangkah salah , tentu menyesal tak sudah,
Tapi itulah adat hidup ..
Sunnatullah pasti ..
yang hebat tak terus hebat , yang lemah tak selamanya lemah .

Sepanjang penglibatanku dalam persatuan ini,
Pahit manis masam masin.. hanya diri yang merasa dapat memberitahu,
Aku bermula dari bawah ,

07/08 Dari AJK kecil UPI , menjadi adhoc untuk prgram IQ di peringkat DPMM ,
08/09 Diberi kepercayaan menjadi timbalan Bendahari ..juga diberi peluang untuk terlibat dalam unit disiplin & Protokol dlm temasya sukan
PERUBATAN di Mansurah ...
09/10 timbalan Setiausaha untuk sesi ini..

# Pernah rakan bertanya, kenapa naik terus dalam AJKT sedangkan tak pernah jadi exco unit?
Aku terdiam, kerana tak tahu jawaban yang sebetul2nya. Kerana orang lain lebih nampak potensi dan kelemahan diriku.

# Ada kufikir "Kenapa Pengerusi sesi 07/08 & 08/09 (Izzat Kamal) tak bermula dari bawah, boleh terus mula dari atas?"
Jawapan ku cari , ku analisa...

Keadaan masa itu , bilangan pelajar masa itu, kebajikan pelajar masa itu, ragam masa itu kurang berbanding kini ... kerana itu , Pengerusi kita boleh naik.
Ku tenteram . Kulihat soalanku terjawab.

# Apa yang kuharapkan, sahabat2, abang2, kakak2, adik2 ....
Agar kita semua duduk bawah 'satu bumbung' , semua lahir dengan tujuan yang sama , nak berjaya di dunia & di akhirat .. Redha Allah..

Belajarlah dan selamilah setiap keadaan yang anda semua hadapi dengan positif,
If it end-up dgn unexpected outcomes, cari hikmah disebalik itu.

Kepada rakan2 calon yang lain ..
yakinilah tugas itu wont be easy ...
menang atau tidak, sama2 kita siapkan diri ...
even manifesto dah dikhabar2kan ,
mentally, physically , spiritually mesti mau kuat!
Banyakkan munajat, selawat disaat2 akhir ni...

Tentang Mr Pengerusi?

Mesti selalu bersedia beri peringatan even terjadi bahaya,
Even dalam keadaan tidur, kena tetap berjaga,
Berpandangan positif ,
Berkemahuan kuat,
Sedia berkorban ,
Semangat juang tinggi,
Bijaksana tangani situasi,
Jadi contoh kepada org lain [ situasi sbg pelajar - komited dalam menghadiri kuliah]
Mampu koordinasi setiap potensi dalam diri ,
Ilmu agama tunggak segala dalam pemimpin Islam .

Diriku meletakkan kepercayaan LUAR BIASA pada Azizi Md Jusoh sbg Pengerusi ..

Pemilihan pemimpin = IMAM kita TAK boleh dibuat main ,
untuk saya dia mesti boleh menjadi rujukan kita semua dalam semua aspek .
Meski boleh bekerja , xbermaksud sesorang pemimpin mampu nak mengawal emosi andai cabaran mendatang ..
Saya percaya Azizi meski umur masih muda, mampu melakukan!

"Kebajikan apa pun yang kamu peroleh adalah dari sisi Allah,
dan keburukan apa pun yang menimpamu , itu dari kesalahan (dirimu) sendiri.
Kami mengutusmu (Muhammad) menjadi Rasul kepada (seluruh) manusia.
Dan cukuplah Allah yang menjadi saksi"
[An-Nisa' : 79]

Akhir sekali , bersama menuju kejayaan! ^^,

Tuesday 16 November 2010

10 Zulhijjah 1431H

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious , The Most Mrciful

"Daging dan darahnya itu tidak sekali-kali akan sampai kepada Allah, tetapi yg sampai kepada-Nya adalah ketaqwaan kamu. Demikianlah Dia menundukkannya utkmu agar kamu mengagungkan Allah atas petunjuk yg Dia berikan kpdmu. Dan sampaikanlah khabar gembira kpd org2 yg berbuat baik" (Al-Hajj 22:37)

Early morning @ 6.30am , she went out from her house..
Takbir Raya in Egyptian version ,heard everywhere ..
It was a calm , 'honk'less morning ..
On her way to Dewan PCM for solat, she saw .....

big cow's waiting ... hehe

She performed Solat sunat Aidil-Adha together with other hundreds of girls..
Only Imam, Khatib and few guys accompanied were also there to guide the ceremony..

Alhamdulillah after finish, around 8.30am, she went to the area where the slaughter take place .. BUT

Crowded with people! --"

"The sacrificial camels We have made for you as among the symbols from Allah: in them is (much) good for you: then pronounce the name of Allah over them as they line up (for sacrifice) ....

... :when they are down on their sides (after slaughter) , eat you thereof, and feed such as (beg not but) live in contentment, such as beg with due humility :thus have We made animals subject to you, that you may be grateful" (22:36)

# Al-Qur'an is the SUPERB scriptural reference ever ^^,

Sunday 14 November 2010

Never done this before ..

In The Name of Allah ...

Was tagged by my beloved sisters.

TAG: "Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts or goals about you. In the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tags you. If I tag you, it’s because I want to know you more."

[imah, kalo Kok Yong yg ko maksudkan tu bukan kyong, kyong MALU, hua2]

1- Titisan Embun maksud namaku. kecik2 dlu, ade perasaan xbrapa masyuk ngn nama sendiri, sbb mcm lain drpd kwn lain dan susah nak sebut. Kalo cikgu2 sebut nama sorang2 dlm kelas, bile cikgu stucked n terbelit lidah, that's me.. ha2

2-Keluarga panggilku Kak Yong. Sukee gelaran ni .. Jiran2 terdekat pun semua panggil Kak Yong . Junior2 sini, ade beberapa org yg disuro panggil Kak Yong.

3-Umur? i'd say im in the age to get married.. keke .. tp xbermaksud daku akan berubah status dlm masa terdekat..lari......! Mr Right xtau sapa ..

4-Medical student =) 5th year now.. Next week starts psychiatry round.. psycho!~

5-Tengan makan epal

6-Ketawa terbahak2 masa tgk ade org panggil Imah dgn gelaran 'Coefficient'! Lawak la ko Imah... ^^, miss u

7-Every single thing , blue in colour , invite me in.. Suka pada warna biru .. [ tiru point imah]

8-Rasanya, xpernah stay-up untuk belajar . except masa study last minute during study-week T_T [Rasa nk sumpah diri sendiri jadi lebih rajin]

9-Em, think i've problem with memory. easily forgotten with bnda2 kecik mcm mengalihkan barang ke tempat lain dan sewaktu dgnnye..

10-Hutang bayo cepat2 , even org tu xmintak. Ne tau esok kite mati, sape nk bayo tuuu... =)

11-Sangat mahukan Mini Cooper.. dgn usaha sendiri

12-Berminat dgn Neurosurgery, rasa nk jadi Neurosurgeon.

13-tak penah jadi best student kat mana2 sekolah, as far as i remembered.. that bad?

14-Mereka cakap saya blur type person.. em, not 100% blurred kot.. Just kadang2 expressionless

15-Esok bakal berlaku satu perkara penting. Ya Allah, mohon kekuatan! Takut... =((

16-Moto idop = Make A Step Before the Hatred Comes

17-Sedang berjinak2 dgn bisnes Inner tudung skrg.. bagus untuk mereka yg memakai tudung bawal kerana tdung bawal yg jarang boleh menampakkan tengkuk wanita yg memakainya =)

18-Terasa nak balikkkkkk Mlysia for winter break next year [2011].. instead of Summer 2011 tu

19-used to buy medical books , but to read is vice versa .. huk3


21- Mahu jadi kakak yg baik .. tp adik2 saya lebih baik drp saya

22- Kadang fikir bnda yg perlu difikirkan pun ... tp itulah wat emosi unstable when it becomes dominant in my head... haish

23-Sampai skrg, my arabic languange memg thumbs down =( bile nak pandai...

24-Not a really good cook,x cerewet dlm makanan, more in management in order type of person .

25-Great work are done by ppl who aren't afraid to be great =)

# not tagging anyone else, and to Imah , ain't enuf ..21 years we live together to know me??

Friday 12 November 2010



Majlis Lantikan Mentor .

Mentor ? experienced person who advises and helps somebody with less experience over a period of time

If we say mentor here in Mansurah, are those seniors who are appointed by Unit Pembangunan Insan to help our freshman. We're divided in certain groups and 1 group comprises less than 10 students , and guided by 1 or 2 mentors.

It is not an easy task, indeed. They (Mentor) have to be highly confident, proactive, social skills ok , knowledgeable and 'eveready' . To build a great and superb human being , you yourself has to good enough to be a role model.According to the guidelines given, the full criteria are:

1- Mempunyai kefahaman agama yg mendalam
2-Iman yang mendalam
3-Bersifat amanah
4-Keikhlasan yang tinggi
5-Beramal dengan ilmu
6-Keperibadian yg terpuji
7-Mengenal jiwa
8-Pergaulan yang baik
9-Menjauhi segala kerosakan
10-Muhasabah & bersungguh-sungguh

p/s : ain't easy, right? Hurm.

When I was in my 2nd year (3 years back then) , without knowing the actual tasks of Mentor , i was appointed. My reaction : 'Damn' (teenage rebellion) .. but i accepted it . didn't know why, maybe for experimental purpose.

Why 'Damn'?
2nd year, little experiences involved in this things , plus when reflecting myself to the aforementioned criteria , i think im out of line. That's it!
In fact, i'd think many other hidden mentor outside deserve this job. I didn't do this amanah very well, it suck me in! Had that feeling of guilt actually, but .... hmm, i didn't try to improve the situation, but i'd say, i escaped from the problem. By not doing the job.

3rd year, was appointed again. Was shocked, but i think im the person who dont know how to say NO. Experimental year again. Indeed, tried to find methods to develop the confidence. I'd see this as a challenge , ain't easy . Tell ya. still lack of the skill how to share what i have with others. sigh .

4th year , accepted again . Again & again . Haha . This time, i'd say, it's different . Because Unit Pembangunan Insan become more established and well-organized. Mentors are given a file, containing the guidelines and all 'substances' that we need to understand by ourself and give something out. Bak kata Saiful Islam 'Erti Hidup Pada Memberi'. As grows older, by implementing 'Erti Hidup Pada Memberi' , i feel life is a Bliss .

During today's briefing, i heard 'eveready' word . Mentor has to be 'eveready'. It's like a doctor who has to be 'eveready' in all conditions [macam 'On-Call' for doctors]. Maybe this would be the good platform to get ready for future undertaking, eh.

In a word , to be a great person , don't be afraid. "Great work are done by people who are not afraid to be great" . It needs time, experiences , always be open to criticism , always pray, hope for getting better & better ,even sometimes , feel to shut yourself off from these things and lock yourself. Pergh.. preaching.

No fascinating insights into life of being a mentor, but trust me , you'll feel the bliss and pleasurable moment if it comes with keikhlasan .

Dimanakah kamu wahai IKHLAS .... =)

Thursday 11 November 2010

Too Little Time

As time goes by
It ain't enough
Ain't enough
To admit that i am now very close to the end
Not good enough to say that i'm done with analyzing
Sometimes feel to sneak up the stairs and look down
Feel to go up to the outer space
Fly freely within the sky
To be escapism isn't the way
Yet 'Dare to Fail' comes into my mind

Live here . Learn a lot . Yet hard to love . Leave a legacy ????

Tuesday 9 November 2010

A Good Physician is A Good Observer

I think i'm in LOVE ...
In LOVE with Neurosurgery ...
LOVE doesn't mean that you have to give all of yourself ..
But trying to give a little bit of yourself & try to understand & appreciate , right?

Today 9th Nov 2010

Dr Hatem showed us several 'pieces' of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) during clinical round ...
He was awesome ! Looks simple, but knowledgeable (for sure - He's A Professor)
He gave chances to everybody to try and talk , discuss about the MRI findings ...

This one case , female petient , 27 years old (still young) , 2 offsprings (children)
Complaining of excessive hair distribution ( bulu badan berlebihan ) , amenorrhea (stop menstruation-tak datang period) , galactorrhea (susu badan berlebihan) , and Cushingoid face (muka tembam-maaf, don't know the appropriate word to use) ..

And she actually came to Neurology Department after referred by endocrinologist from Endocrinology Department ...

What is her problem??

Masalah wanita ini, actually masalah hormon..
Nak tahu mengapa?? ^^,
Allah Maha Besar , segala puji-pujian memang untuk Dia ....

Dalam tempurung kepala kita ni, ada banyak struktur2 yang terlampau penting ..
OTAK ... The Brain .. Sebab itu, adanya tempurung kepala yang sangat keras dan tebal.
I've seen the surgeons here did craniotomy (surgical removal of parts of the skull) to expose part of the brain , to remove the tumors! SubhanaAllah, tempurung kepala kita memang sebijik macam tempurung kelapa .. dari segi kekerasan n ketebalan...

Back to the woman's story.. dalam banyak2 struktur penting dalam otak kita, adanya SATU kalenjar hormone yang PENTING - kalenjar pituitary (Pituitary Gland) .. kecil je, berat 0.5 gram ..

Kalenjar ni mcm kacang pea.. dibahagikan kepada 2 bahagian (depan & belakang)
Kalenjar depan dipanggil Anterior Pituitary - merembes hormon ACTH,TSH,LH,GH,PRL & FSH

Kalenjar blkang dipanggil Posterior Pituitary - merembes 2 hormon je - ADH & Oxytocin

Just try to imagine , when a 'foreign' structure come n interrupt this tiny ,cute gland?
This foreigner brings a disruptive influence on our body by secreting more n more unnecessary amount of hormones.. and then the female patient came to our doctor and complained.

When our Dr Hatem took out the MRI , these were the things we found :

(The yellow circles show the port where the foreigner take place)- not the actual pictures , but more / less the same

(This is the normal MRI we should have)

So, the approaches to this problem??
Would be surgery ... Transphenoidally / Subfrontally intervention ...

Wanita itu akan menjalani pembedahan membuang tumor itu
Wanita itu saya lihat 'sihat' kelihatannya , pipinya tembam ..
Jangan disangka org2 yang 'sihat' ni , sbnanya sbb dia banyak makan ,
sebab siapa tahu, mcm wanita ni, sebenarnya dia ade tumor kat otak!

Semoga semuanya kan baik2 sahaja.. Let's pray that she'd be happy soon!

"dan apabila aku sakit, Dialah yang menyembuhkan aku"

Sunday 7 November 2010

Takdir yang Tersimpan

Tersimpan dalam hati

Selagi belum diikat sempurna
Selagi kosong jiwamu dengan mengingatiNya
Harapanmu tak kemana

Bak ombak menggulung mengikut arah angin
Begitu diriku kini
Kerana aku
Insan biasa

Aku ingin
Aku impikan
Aku bercita-cita tinggi
Aku hendakkan semua!
Namun.. aku hanya mampu tersenyum

Rahsia dunia
Rahsia hati
Rahsia akhirat
Semuakan tersimpan
Kerana itu takdirnya

Andai mampu
Aku akan terus berdoa
Semoga semua kan baik-baik saja